Kamis, 16 November 2017


When I decided to come back to Indo, I was still contemplating whether I should continue my path in medicine or deviate. I ended up "staying". Little did I know that choosing this path led me to few bunches that are dear to my heart. They kinda grew on me.

Meet Macups!

our very last pic taken at RSHS during OBGYN

They are younger than me (same age as my lil bro) but I don't feel like I was the oldest.. My family in RSHS during my "adaptasi". I thank God that I got to meet these guys since the beginning of my rotation. We became close instantly and dunno how I became one o Macups.

Cookie version of Macups by Macups'-in-law
P.S. check her instagram on sweetbelle.id

Our last bukber / outing

I became so attached to them unknowingly, my support system!

Rabu, 08 November 2017

dyeing my hair red

One day I was browsing thru my instagram feeds when I found this picture of a hair dye. Out of nowhere this idea came up to me to try dyeing my hair (#instagram_is_dangerous as it may lead to countless online shopping). My hair is thin and quite the oily type that I have to wash my hair everyday if I don't want to have a bad hair day. But when I wash and hairdry it too often I will have split ends. Due to the reasons listed above, I have never had my hair dyed. 

So, what made me want to try this product out? 
First of all, it is a temporary hairdye. Second, it is also a hair treatment. Third, it is a Korean product and a friend of mine happened to be in Korea and opened a pre-order.

This was the hair dye / treatment that I used. April Skin Turn-Up Color Treatment (it's the temporary one, since they also have another products called April Skin Turn-Up Color Cream which are the permanent hair dye ones).

I am such a sucker for pastel colors (I mean the packaging). Another reason I bought this brand was because of the packaging. And plastic gloves and gown included, too! 
Life safer! 

I found some pictures on the internet showing the result.

credits to picture owner

I bought the red one, and I didn't apply much. I used like only 1/5 of the tube I think because I just used it for the lower part of my hair. 

This is my normal "never been dyed" hair.

And here is how the color turned out on my unbleached hair. 

Here is some pros and cons.

- They give you plastic gloves and gown.
- The product smells soo good it smells like strawberry (dunno about other color, is it because I bought the red color one?).
- It is indeed a hair treatment because my hair felt softer (tho my hair was always on the smoother side and tend to be oily, the ends are usually drier).
- It claims that the color will only last for about 2 weeks-ish but depends on how often you wash your hair. For me it faded after one week which was good because I can't have red hair for some reason the following week (I washed my hair every other day after I had my hair dyed).

- It smudges when your hair is wet, you can't be sweating a lot or wearing white or light colored clothes (solution for this --> wear black).

VERDICT : Good product. I loved it! Should try putting on more dye next time I use it.

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2017

hot appas

My bias are the hot appas! Haha. Just killing time as I wrote this but seriously these appas are LIT!!

So in love with these appa deul who are family men 💙 💙 💙

Cha Tae Hyun

with Soo Chan, Tae Eun, Soo Jin and the super good cook Choi Suk Eun eomma

I just happened to watch 2 Days 1 Night one day, and this was the episode I watched. 

I was instantly hooked with this funny actor and his kids (and the variety show). I've just realized that I actually had watched Cha Tae Hyun’s movies such as Speedy Scandal, Oh My Ghost and The Giving Fool. They were really good, entertaining and touching at the same time. I've never been a fan of him because he just looks goofy and the movies are too sad, but NOW I AM!

Lee Hwi Jae

with the prettiest eomma Moon Jeong Won, Seo Eon & Seo Jun

I have never heard of Hwi Jae Appa before I watched The Return of Superman. During the early episodes I wasn’t even a fan of this family. I liked Junu Junseo and Daehan Minguk Manse more (Haru okay only, so-so). But since those families left TROS, I started watching Seo Eon and Seo Jun. As I watch them growing up, my heart grow fonder of them.

Kwon Yool

Not an appa, just thought he is cute 😊 I watched his dramas since uni without really noticing his presence (Lie to Me and Brain). Same case with the 2 appas mentioned above. Watched Let's Fight Ghost last year and I thought "I knew this guy from somewhere".

Im Si Wan

Another eye candy 💕 To be honest haven't watched any of his movies but I did watch some of his dramas tho until now none that I fully interested in and watch completely. So does for his recent drama The King in Love.. Knowing the lineups, him, Yoona, those are great visuals but I am very very sorry to the fans out there.. (it's just my personal preference) imo the drama is no good. It is way too far from my expectation of such great lineups that I can't get myself watch it anymore. I stopped like until episode 4? Besides, any one else think that the getup and the hairstyle are quite odd?

Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

polyglot? : trilingual for now

My mother tongue is Bahasa Indonesia, my second language is English, then I learned Chinese, and I am learning Korean.

It all started when I was hooked with Chinese/Taiwan dramas (during elementary I guess). Was it Meteor Garden? But anyway, thanks to those good looking guys that I got myself learning Chinese (language). 

I am an Indonesian with Chinese ethnicity, back then I did not speak Chinese. Mom, dad and my big family, grandma grandpa do not speak Chinese since they were all born in Indonesia *me too. Mom and dad said they had learned Chinese before but never really use it. Luckily I was interested in learning Chinese, I took Chinese course from junior high thru high school, then I went to medschool in China. And that makes me the only one in the family who actually speak my ancestors' language *still learning and improving my vocab until now tho

Finished with medschool, I came back to Indonesia and had to go through some paperwork to get my license as a GP. During that period of time I took German courses, but it was kinda hard for me to pick up Deutsch. It is quite similar to English but not really, and it is none like Chinese. After learning for some time, I decided it wasn't my "thing".

Currently I am learning Korean (self-taught). I am so into Korean dramas just because the actors and actresses are so good looking, I mean the have great skin, and the wardrobes are fabulous. So chic! It is kinda hard to learn the grammar by myself and not practicing it but I will persevere since taking course for Korean is not an option for me now (no time). One of my bucket lists is going to Korea so learning Korean will be useful later. And I just love the language and its culture/food. Hehe.

Since I am learning by myself, I use Youtube a lot and I found a channel called Talk To Me In Korean. The channel is very helpful and I found out that the guy from the videos (called Hyunwoo if I'm not mistaken) have an excellent English which he taught himself. If you listen to his English you would have thought he studied abroad, but he didn't. Plus, he also speaks very fluent Japanese and French besides Korean, his mother tongue. Such a language genius!

Jumat, 21 Juli 2017

Cafe hopping #Bogor

Exploring my hometown #Bogor : Curug Nangka

Last week one of my friend came from Jakarta. He was my classmate back from uni and my flatmate, Jenhan. I was glad that he came up with the idea of going to one of tourist sites in my hometown, Curug Nangka. When he mentioned the place I didn't even know where the heck that was, I've never heard it before, eventhough I was born and am living in Bogor *what a shame that I didn't know this place exist, haha. But later after posting some pics on instagram I found out that I was not the only one not knowing, some of my friends who live in Bogor also didn't know.

The night before, I did browse a little so we wouldn't get lost on the day exploring the place. And surprisingly there were some really useful information about the place *seems that quite a lot of people been there. This Curug Nangka place is actually located in the area of Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (Mt. Halimun Salak National Park). 

Although the area is called Wisata Curug Nangka (curug means waterfall), actually it is not the only waterfall in the area. There are 2 others, Curug Daun and Curug Kawung, so we can see 3 waterfalls inside the national park. The entrance fee is very cheap tho, it only costs 17.500 Rupiahs per person.

Entering the park, you have to walk pass a pine forest. Here Jenhan and I took some pictures while walking. The feeling of taking a stroll surrounded by greneeries and breathing fresh air was really nice.

this path looks kinda the same as a watercolor painting i did during high school

After walking a short distance, you will see some stalls selling food and some signs telling you which direction to go to the waterfalls. We decided to go to Curug Nangka first. To reach Curug Nangka you have to walk in the river, yes, you read it correctly, in the river. It is not along the river because there is no dry path leading to this waterfall. So I suggest that you wear sandals or flip flops to walk in the river because it kinda hurts stepping on the rocks inside the stream *and for me personally it is yucky to step on the rocks covered with moss. So do not wear your favorite pair of comfy fancy sneakers or shoes, well you can but just take it off before going into the stream.

the mysterious-looking path leading to Curug Nangka

The stream was really cool. As you can see from the picture, the water was SUPER CLEAR! And not missing the excitement when you see the mysterious river path leading to the waterfall *it felt like I was in The Jungle Book

uber clear water XD i could see my own foot

The water is almost-knee-depth as shown in the picture below.
Here is some of the pictures (tons actually) we took along the way.

We took our time to appreciate the beauty of nature *and of course to take pictures hehe

And here we arrived at the waterfall, Curug Nangka!!

Curug Nangka

We went on Friday that day so luckily not many people were around, hence we could take so many pictures without having to wait for other people to go or worse get photobombed by strangers in our pictures. It was like having a VIP tour. Yippee!  But as we were leaving to go to other waterfalls, we saw tourists coming. 

These are few pics with the more tourists coming *you can still appreciate the nature but it is not that nice with some crowd, right?

instagram/facebook profile pic worthy "with background"

the waterfall and some tourists (1)

the waterfall and some tourists (2)

i took it *much nicer "without background", right?

Leaving Curug Nangka, we went to the other waterfalls. The 2 others are located above Curug Nangka, so you have to climb a little to get there. 

Here is Curug Daun!

Curug Daun

This waterfall tho not as nice as the previous one. After you had to walk a kinda hard route to get to Curug Nangka and saw it so pretty and hidden, this one was no surprise. As you can see I found only one pic actually worth to post, around Curug Daun there are many food stalls and you can expect the next thing that comes with those, garbage. So many garbage that makes you unable to take pretty pictures of it *not pretty when you see it in real life, too. What a disappointment.

And that was the end of our trip to the national park.

***Wait, was there another waterfall left? Yes, one was left. We were just so turned off by this one that we decided not to go to Curug Kawung and I read that the road to Curug Kawung is quite difficult, slippery and steep. Yet it is not as good as Curug Nangka, so Jenhan and I finished our trip here. It was hot and we were hungry, too.