Kamis, 16 November 2017


When I decided to come back to Indo, I was still contemplating whether I should continue my path in medicine or deviate. I ended up "staying". Little did I know that choosing this path led me to few bunches that are dear to my heart. They kinda grew on me.

Meet Macups!

our very last pic taken at RSHS during OBGYN

They are younger than me (same age as my lil bro) but I don't feel like I was the oldest.. My family in RSHS during my "adaptasi". I thank God that I got to meet these guys since the beginning of my rotation. We became close instantly and dunno how I became one o Macups.

Cookie version of Macups by Macups'-in-law
P.S. check her instagram on sweetbelle.id

Our last bukber / outing

I became so attached to them unknowingly, my support system!

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