Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018

being nostalgic

I am being nostalgic at this very moment while writing this entry and listening to Ra.D's song.

I have a good news! I have just found the blogs I had abandoned for ages, yay! I have had few blogs before this one but I just couldn't log in to the blogs I used to own simply because I was too ignorant to update the email changing, the shutting down of hotmail, and so on and so on. And for a moment I just completely forgot even the title of my own blogs hehe.

So before I lost them again.

silverline on a cloud was my very first blog. If you're curious and click on the link you will be directed right to the very first page of my first baby. I wrote about just anything that comes to my mind. The entries were written during my puberty phase so *haha those pondering days trying to be poetic but failed miserably. But well yeah the damage has been done 😝 History is history..

iNdiGo was actually the third blog I own *gosh, I completely forgot my second blog. Dang! I have finally found myself starting to feel quite comfortable to be in my own skin. So it was quite an enjoyable-to-read one. I was supposed to continue writing on this blog but sadly it was on either hotmail or yahoo platform *the point is both died and had to be changed to a google one but the old ignorant self of mine ignored it. Now I couldn't log in to this one. So pardon for the typos there.

Those steps have led me to this blog. I deliberately make the design exactly the same as iNdiGo as it was supposed to be the continuation of it. It is the book number 2 of my rambling.

Cheers 🍻

- meLLe -

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